Times of Israel poll raw results
Questions and answers from our pre-election poll
Times of Israel Pre-Election Poll (percentages)
Stephan Miller, (202) Strategies
1. Are you 18 years or older and have the right to vote?
1) Yes 100
2) No 0
2. Would you say the chances that you will vote in the upcoming national elections very high, somewhat high, low, or there’s no chance?
1) High chance 68
2) Somewhat high chance 32
3. In your opinion, do you believe Israel is heading in the correct direction or wrong direction? And would you say that is very much or somewhat?
1) Very much correct direction 5
2) Somewhat correct direction 31
3) Somewhat wrong direction 28
4) Very much wrong direction 23
5) Neither/both 5
6) Don’t know 10
4. If you had to label yourself, would you say you are: left, center, or right of center in your political beliefs? Would you say that is very or somewhat?
1) Very left 4
2) Somewhat left 12
3) Center 36
4) Somewhat right 35
5) Very right 3
5. I will read you the names of certain leaders. Please note for each one whether you have a positive or negative opinion. If you have never heard of the leader or have no opinion, please say so. And is that very much or somewhat?
Benjamin Netanyahu
1) Very positive 13
2) Somewhat positive 41
3) Somewhat negative 23
4) Very negative 19
5) Never heard of 1
6) Don’t know 5
Shelly Yachimovich
1) Very positive 7
2) Somewhat positive 39
3) Somewhat negative 25
4) Very negative 14
5) Never heard of 4
6) Don’t know 12
Yair Lapid
1) Very positive 7
2) Somewhat positive 38
3) Somewhat negative 20
4) Very negative 11
5) Never heard of 7
6) Don’t know 18
Tzipi Livni
1) Very positive 5
2) Somewhat positive 33
3) Somewhat negative 30
4) Very negative 19
5) Never heard of 3
6) Don’t know 11
Naftali Bennett
1) Very positive 11
2) Somewhat positive 30
3) Somewhat negative 16
4) Very negative 11
5) Never heard of 14
6) Don’t know 19
6. Is Benjamin Netanyahu’s service as prime minister in this term excellent, good, fair, or bad?
1) Excellent 10
2) Good 29
3) Fair 35
4) Bad 22
5) Don’t know 4
7. If elections were held today, which party would you vote for?
1) Likud-Beytenu 18
2) Labor 11
3) Jewish Home 8
4) Arab parties 6
5) Yesh Atid 6
6) Shas 5
7) Meretz 3
8) United Torah Judaism 3
9) Hatnua (Movement) 3
10) Am Shalem 0.8
11) Otzma Leyisrael 0.7
12) Eretz Chadash 0.5
13) Deham 0.4
14) Kadima 0.4
15) National Union 0.2
16) Pensioner’s Party 0.2
17) Aleh Yarok 0.2
18 Other 2
19) Undecided 31
8. For which party did you vote in the last elections in 2009? If for whatever reason you were unable to vote in the last elections, just say so.
1) Kadima 18
2) Likud 17
3) Yisrael Beytenu 10
4) Labor 8
5) Shas 7
6) Arab parties 7
7) United Torah Judaism 3
8) National Union 3
9) Meretz 2
10) Jewish Home 2
11) Other 4
12) Did not vote 7
13) Don’t know 13
9. From the following 6 items that I will read to you, what, in your opinion, is the most important issue for the next government of Israel to face?
1) Economic issues such as the cost of living and price of housing 43
2) The deterioration of relations with the Palestinians in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza 16
3) Education 13
4) The Iranian threat 12
5) Instability in countries of the region such as Syria, Egypt, Lebanon 7
6) Enlisting the ultra-Orthodox and integrating them in the labor force 4
7) Other 2
8) Don’t know 3
10. How would you describe yourself religiously?
1) Secular (hiloni) 44
2) Traditional (masorti) 24
3) Orthodox (dati) 13
4) Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) 8
5) Not Jewish 10
6) Don’t know/refused to answer 2
11. In what year were you born? (Answers recorded in age intervals)
1) 18-24 age group: 9
2) 25-34 age group: 17
3) 35-44 age group: 18
4) 45-54 age group: 17
5) 55-65 age group: 18
6) 65+ age group: 17
7) Don’t know/refused to answer: 5
12. Would you describe yourself as Ashkenazi, Sephardi/Mizrahi, both, or neither?
1) Ashkenazi 37
2) Sephardi/Mizrahi 35
3) Both 11
4) Neither 3
5) Don’t know/refused to answer 14
13. Do you live in Judea and Samaria?
1) Yes 4
2) No 85
3) Don’t know/refused to answer 11
14. What district do you live in? (based on area code, read to cellphone respondents)
1) North 27
2) Tel Aviv and Gush Dan 27
3) South 21
4) Jerusalem 15
5) Sharon 10
15. Gender
1) Female 52
2) Male 48
16. Method of contact
1) Landline 90
2) Cellphone 10
17. Language of Contact
1) Hebrew 90
2) Arabic 10