ToI podcast

Daily Briefing Jan. 10: Ministers rethink public broadcaster; new Jewish Agency boss

Political correspondent Tal Schneider looks at government’s possible plans for Kan and Army Radio; Diaspora reporter Judah Ari Gross on JAFI head Doron Almog, immigration numbers

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

Political correspondent Tal Schneider and religion and Diaspora reporter Judah Ari Gross join host Jessica Steinberg for today’s podcast.

Schneider discusses comments made by new communications minister Shlomo Karhi regarding the possible dismantling of the public Kan broadcaster, as well as the smaller but popular Army Radio station.

She also talks about National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir’s plans to break up protests at roadblocks, despite his own long history as a demonstrator and his remarks on the use of water cannons as a crowd dispersal method.

Gross speaks about his interview with new Jewish Agency director Doron Almog, who has a long professional history in the IDF and unexpectedly finds himself in the midst of what could be a battle over the Law of Return.

He also discusses the most recent immigration numbers in 2022, affected greatly by the influx of immigrants from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, and a downturn from Western countries.

Discussed articles include:

New communications minister says ‘no place’ for public broadcasting in Israel

Ben Gvir tells police to start arresting anti-government protesters who block roads

Jewish Agency chief preaches unity, but readies for battle over Law of Return

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