Einav Zanguaker, whose son is only set to be freed in 2nd phase: ‘Violating the deal will be death sentence for hostages’

Einav Zanguaker at a press conference in Tel Aviv on January 17, 2024 (Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)
Einav Zanguaker at a press conference in Tel Aviv on January 17, 2024 (Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

As ministers meet on the ceasefire-hostage release deal, Einav Zanguaker, whose son Matan Zangauker is held hostage in Gaza, says “Violating the agreement will be a death sentence for the hostages.”

“I am the closest I have been to hugging my son. We must not miss this, we must keep the agreement until the last hostage,” she says at Hostage’s Square, according to Channel 12 news.

Matan Zanguaker does not appear on the list of hostages to be released in the first phase of the deal.

Beyond the 33 set for release in phase one, Israel says 65 more hostages are currently held in Gaza, including the bodies of at least 36 confirmed dead by the IDF. As the first phase progresses, the sides will hold talks on a potential second phase, which would see the release of all remaining hostages in return for an end to the war and agreements on Gaza’s future and reconstruction.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right coalition allies have pressured him not to agree to end the fighting, leading the families of the remaining 65 hostages to fear the second phase may never be realized and that their loved ones may remain in terrorists’ hands.

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