Home Front Command publishes early warning map

The IDF Home Front Command publishes a map of the country divided into “early warning” areas.

The map divides the country into regions for the purpose of public safety announcements. Israelis can locate their town on the map, which is available in English, Arabic, Hebrew and Russian, and find out what Home Front Command region they are in.

Those regions will be used to issue warnings of impending rocket fire on that area.

For example, Israelis who live in Bet Shemesh live in warning area “Bet Shemesh 188,” while those in Rehovot live in warning area “Shfela 182.”

The map also provides Israelis with an estimated early warning time, the length of time from the launch of a rocket or mortar from Gaza, Lebanon, Syria or Sinai to its fall in an Israeli town. (Bet Shemesh 188, for example, has an early warning time of 90 seconds. Netivot, a town near Gaza that falls in the “Ashkelon 254” warning area, has just 30 seconds from warning to rocket fall.)

— Haviv Rettig-Gur

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