Israel anticipates arrival of US ship set to build pier off Gaza coast
Lazar Berman is The Times of Israel's diplomatic reporter
Israel anticipates the arrival of the first US JLOTS ship, slated to build a pier off the coast of Gaza, to arrive at Ashdod Port on Saturday, according to assessments seen today by The Times of Israel.
Jerusalem also expects the Turkish portion of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition to set out to Gaza on April 22 or 23, and to arrive off the coast three days later, an Israeli official tells The Times of Israel, though this is seen as tentative.
The flotilla has already suffered a series of delays.
One of the 12 organizations involved in the coalition is the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), which organized the 2010 flotilla in which a deadly fight broke out on the Mavi Marmara between IHH members and IDF commandos.