Likud MK Tally Gotliv: Leftists are ‘betraying’ Israel, forgot their values

Speaking at a pro-judicial overhaul demonstration in the coastal city of Netanya, Likud MK Tally Gotliv addresses the crowd by saying that left-wing Israelis who are against the government’s legal shakeup plans, are “betraying the state of Israel.”

“The left has forgotten the most basic values of the Jewish people in a Jewish and democratic state, they have forgotten this,” she says.

“They abandoned the security of the State of Israel, [they] will do everything they can to collapse the right-wing government and they have money,” Gotliv says.

“Look at how much money is at their demonstration,” she says, pointing to stage lighting at the anti-overhaul protest across the street. “Their goal is to weaken the right and collapse the right-wing government,” she adds.

Some 500 people are estimated at the pro-judicial overhaul rally in Netanya, with around 30,000 at the protest against the government plans. Police separated the sides, and there are no reports of clashes.

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