Poll: 48% of Jewish Israelis support applying sovereignty over Area C

The Israel Democracy Institute, a Jerusalem think tank, says it recently polled Israelis on the question of annexing parts of the West Bank. Here are its findings:

“According to the Israel Democracy Institute’s Israeli Voice Index, 48% of Jewish Israelis and 11% of Arab Israelis would favor [applying Israeli sovereignty over Area C of the West Bank] if it were supported by US President Donald Trump and his administration.

“This compares to 28% of Jewish Israelis and 56% of Arab Israelis who oppose this idea. Almost a quarter [of] Jewish Israelis and one third of Arab Israelis remain undecided on this matter.

“In the case of possible annexation of Area C, Jewish Israelis are divided on whether or not a Palestinian state should be established in the remaining parts of the West Bank. 40% would oppose this, while 37% would support it. Among Arab Israelis – 51% of Arab Israelis support this idea – while 20% oppose it.”

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