Worshipers report hearing gunshots outside Tunisian synagogue where hundreds celebrating Lag B’Omer
Cnaan Lidor is The Times of Israel's Jewish World reporter
Worshipers at the Al Ghriba synagogue in Djerba, Tunisia reported hearing gunshots on Tuesday night, as hundreds of pilgrims celebrated Lag B’Omer on the island.
Initial reports and videos posted online from the synagogue showed some pilgrims, speaking in Hebrew, reacting with alarm to the sounds.
Tunisian authorities maintain a permanent presence around the synagogue, situated near a part of the island where hundreds of Jews live. Security is beefed up during Jewish holidays and especially on Lag B’Omer.
Authorities have initiated a lockdown of the synagogue, keeping about 1,000 worshipers inside as police inspected the area, info-Israel, a French-language Jewish news site, reports.
Al-Qaeda terrorists set off an explosion outside the El Ghriba Synagogue in 2002, killing 20 people, including 14 German tourists.
Un video difundido por el grupo "Moked Bitajon" (Centro de seguridad) sugiere un posible atentado en la Sinagoga Elgariba en Djerba, en Túnez, durante las celebracionesde Lag Baomer. El caso está siendo investigado por la policía en el lugar. Moked Bitajon pic.twitter.com/5dRRqiWR1z
— Elías Levy Benarroch (@eliaslevyb) May 9, 2023