Israel slams member of UN probe on Israel for ‘antisemitic comments’

The spokeswoman for Prime Minister Yair Lapid issues a strong condemnation of antisemitic comments by a member of the ongoing UN Commission of Inquiry into the 11-day war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza last year.
Miloon Kothari, a member of the commission, told a podcast earlier this week that efforts on social media to discredit the probe are “controlled largely by the Jewish lobby.”
Keren Hajioff, Lapid’s international spokeswoman, says “the international community should be outraged by Miloon Kothari’s antisemitic comments. His racist remarks about ‘the Jewish Lobby’ that controls the media and his questioning Israel’s right to exist as a member of the family of nations – echo the darkest days of antisemitism.”
Hajioff says the commission of inquiry is “the epitome of moral hypocrisy” and calls for it to be disbanded.