Jordan closes border with Syria as insurgency expands to country’s south, approaches Israeli border

Jordan has closed its only passenger and commercial border crossing into Syria, the country’s interior ministry says.

A Syrian army source tells Reuters that armed groups had been firing at Syria’s Nassib border crossing into Jordan.

“Armed groups who infiltrated the crossing attacked Syrian army posts stationed there,” the source adds.

He says dozens of trailers and passengers were now stranded near the area.

Jordan’s interior minister said Jordanians and Jordanian trucks would be allowed to return via the crossing, known as the Jaber crossing on the Jordanian side, while no one would be allowed to cross into Syria.

The Saudi Alhadath news channel reports that gunmen have taken control of a number of villages and military checkpoints around the southern city of Deraa, near the Nasib crossing, including the town of Nawa, located only about 15 km, or nine miles, from the Israeli Golan.

Separately, Syrian rebel commander Hassan Abdul Ghany urges top military officers to defect, in a video statement aired today.

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