Socialist MK urges leaders to ‘break cycle of violence’

MK Dov Khenin of the socialist Hadash Party is urging Israeli leaders to find a diplomatic solution to the incessant rocket fire from Gaza on southern Israel.

Hadash MK Dov Khenin. (photo credit: Miriam Alster/Flash90)
Hadash MK Dov Khenin. (photo credit: Miriam Alster/Flash90)

Quoting a letter he received from a resident of the south, Khenin writes on his Facebook page, “More strikes on Gaza will not solve the problem. With every attack the chances of us getting a life worth living decrease. I challenge you [leaders] to do the courageous thing and find a diplomatic way to stop all this destruction and killing. Do every thing you can to bring true quiet to our region.”

In his post Khenin asserts that “it is important to listen to such things and instead of reacting — to think.”

“The cycle of violence is not a foregone conclusion,” he adds. “Let’s really do everything in our power to break it.”

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