TV reporter describes ‘bodies on the ground’ in Sderot; mayor says Israelis haven’t yet understood what’s happened
The mayor of Sderot, Alon Davidi, says his city is still under attack.
“Don’t open the doors, stay inside, close the windows… we’re still searching the area,” he tells local residents via Channel 12.
He says the Hamas leadership, from Ismael Haniyeh on down, are “animals” who “must be harmed and killed.”
The people of Israel “haven’t yet seen” what’s happened in the city, he says — “inhuman acts” against innocent people. The terrorists have to be “wiped out,” he says.
Israel has given Gazans food, water and electricity, and allowed Gazans into work, he notes, but the Gaza Hamas leadership are “murderers who must be buried under the ground. Not because we are cruel, but because those who are merciful to the cruel, ultimately are cruel to the good.”
“People still don’t understand the numbers” and the extent of the attacks, he says.
A Channel 12 reporter in the city says there are many “bodies on the ground… terribly grave pictures, scenes that are hard to describe.”
These fatalities, the reporter stresses, are victims of gunfire by Hamas terrorists who infiltrated from Gaza into the city, not rocket attacks.