'My real mom was a Jew. I am glad I never met her'

Report: Florida shooter said he hates Jews, claims they want to destroy world

Nikolas Cruz, who killed 17 people — five of them Jewish — in school massacre, also said to have called for killing blacks, gays and Mexicans in a private Instagram chat group

A video monitor shows school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz, left, making an appearance before Judge Kim Theresa Mollica in Broward County Court, on February 15, 2018, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. (Susan Stocker/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP, Pool)
A video monitor shows school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz, left, making an appearance before Judge Kim Theresa Mollica in Broward County Court, on February 15, 2018, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. (Susan Stocker/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP, Pool)

Florida school shooter Nikolas Cruz had frequently made hate-filled comments that were anti-Semitic, homophobic, and racist in a social media chat group and even called for other races to be killed, CNN reported Saturday. 

Cruz, who confessed to killing 17 students and staff on Wednesday at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was a member of a private Instagram group steeped in racist content, according to the report. Cruz reportedly wrote that he hates “jews, ni**ers, immigrants,” and that Jews want to destroy the world.

In one anti-Semitic tirade, Cruz referenced his biological mother, saying: “My real mom was a Jew. I am glad I never met her,” CNN said.

He also said he wanted to kill black people and Mexicans and that gay people should be shot “in the back of the head,” according to the report.

CNN said there were no signs in the chat group that Cruz or other members belonged to any white nationalist group. It also said there was little push back among members to the group’s content.

Students are evacuated by police from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, after a shooter opened fire on the campus, February 14, 2018. (Mike Stocker/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP)

Since the shooting, a number of reports quoted a white nationalist as saying Cruz was a member of his group, but law enforcement officials have said they didn’t have any evidence to support the claim that Republic of Florida leader Jordan Jereb made in interviews with several news organizations.

Jereb told The Associated Press on Thursday that Cruz had participated in paramilitary drills in Tallahassee, where his group is based. Jereb said he didn’t know Cruz personally and that “he acted on his own behalf of what he just did and he’s solely responsible for what he just did.”

Jereb told the Miami Herald that he knew “with certainty” that Cruz “had something to do with us.” He told the Daily Beast that Cruz “wasn’t particularly active” in his group but came to Tallahassee with a “secretive cell” from Clearwater, Florida. ABC News reported that three former schoolmates of Cruz said he was part of the Republic of Florida and was often seen with Jereb.

Law enforcement officials said they hadn’t confirmed any such ties.

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel speaks during a news conference on Thursday, February 15, 2018, near Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland where 17 people were shot and killed Wednesday. (Amy Beth Bennett/Sun Sentinel/TNS via Getty Images via JTA)

“We’ve heard that. We’re looking into that,” Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said.

Lt. Grady Jordan, a spokesman for the Leon County Sheriff’s Office in Tallahassee, said he knew of “no known ties” between Cruz and Jereb’s group. Jordan said his office has arrested Jereb at least four times since January 2014 and has been monitoring the group’s membership. He says his office has “very solid” information on the group and believes it has never had more than 10 members.

Jereb quickly backed away from his claims. Someone posting under Jereb’s name on Gab, a social media site popular with far-right extremists, complained about getting criticized over a “prank.”

“There was a legit misunderstanding because we have MULTIPLE people named Nicholas in ROF,” the user wrote. “And I got a bunch of conflicting information and I have not slept for like 2 days.”

Jereb did not respond to repeated phone calls from AP to clarify.

The Anti-Defamation League also said it spoke with Jereb, who told it that Cruz was associated with his group and had been “brought up” by another member. Later Thursday, however, the ADL noted that someone posting in a discussion forum for far-right extremists said the claims were part of an elaborate attempt to dupe news outlets.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups, also said it hadn’t confirmed Jereb’s claims.

“It may seem odd that Jereb would bring attention to his group by claiming a connection to Cruz, but Jereb has always been somewhat of a publicity seeker. In 2014, in fact, he wrote us to complain that we had not already listed [Republic of Florida] as a hate group,” Heidi Beirich, director of the SPLC’s Intelligence Project, said in a statement Thursday.

At least five Jews — four students and a teacher — were among the victims of Wednesday’s mass shooting.

Some students were studying about the Holocaust when the shooting began.

From left to right, February 14, 2018, Florida school shooting Jewish victims: Alex Schachter, Jaime Guttenberg, Meadow Pollack, Scott Beigel and Alyssa Alhadeff. (Images via JTA)

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