Israel and the Forces of History
Exploring history and memories through a camera lens
Ran Tal is a documentary filmmaker and the head of the international MFA documentary film program at Tel Aviv University’s Steve Tisch School of Film and Television. In this episode of The Global Connection, Tal talks about his career capturing Israeli stories, how historical and individual forces have interacted to shape Israel and its meaning, and his most recent documentary films “1341 Frames of Love and War” (about celebrated war photographer Micha Bar-Am) and “What If? Ehud Barak on War and Peace.”
He also speaks about the two-year MFA program in documentary film at Tel Aviv University and what it offers students.
*This episode was filmed before October 7.
The Global Connection reveals how TAU’s academic community and friends are engaging with this ever-changing world. The podcast features interviews with visiting scholars, international students, TAU professors, and others working on global issues and topics.
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