ToI podcast

Daily Briefing Apr. 25: GA protests, Jordanian MP’s gun-smuggling, and Armenian pain

Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman discusses a lawmaker-smuggler and Armenian Jerusalemites as Diaspora affairs reporter Canaan Lidor looks at GA speeches and a Ramadan event

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman and Diaspora affairs and religion reporter Canaan Lidor join host Jessica Steinberg for today’s podcast.

Just before Israelis heard the morning siren marking Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day, Lidor discussed some of the gatherings for the General Assembly of the Jewish Federation of North America, including protesters who tried to infiltrate the speeches and the interruption of one talk given by MK Simcha Rothman.

Berman speaks about the Jordanian lawmaker who allegedly tried to smuggle 200 guns into Israel via the Allenby crossing, and how the Foreign Ministry is presenting the situation as the individual actions of MP Imad al-Adwan and not representative of the Jordanian government.

Berman also looks at the events marking Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, and the complex efforts of Jerusalem’s Armenian community to understand why the Israeli government cooperates with Turkey and Azerbaijan, the countries that committed atrocities against the Armenians.

Lidor talks about Christians in Haifa marking Iftar and the end of Ramadan with their Muslim neighbors — part of a complex relationship that has changed over the years, partially due to educational shifts, in the Wadi Nisnas neighborhood.

Discussed articles include:

Don’t give up on us: Lapid urges US Jews to stand by Israel despite overhaul strains

‘The Jewish people won’t forgive, won’t forget’: Protesters target Rothman at JFNA

Israel arrests Jordanian MP for trying to smuggle 200 guns into West Bank, says Amman

FM Cohen: We don’t hold Jordan responsible for its MP’s weapons smuggling attempt

On genocide memorial day, Jerusalem Armenians hold out hopes for Israeli recognition

In mixed, tolerant Haifa, Christians are discovering the benefits of Ramadan

Cinematheque opens archive to global viewers for Israel’s 75th

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