At voting stations across Israel, more than 1,000 people sign up to be organ donors

Renee Ghert-Zand is the health reporter and a feature writer for The Times of Israel.

More than a thousand people signed up to be organ donors at polling booths across the country by mid-afternoon, says the ADI National Transplant Center.

The center made it easy for those arriving to vote in the municipal elections to register as donors by placing special sign-up booths near polling stations in communities throughout the country.

Any Israeli citizen 17 and older, regardless of health status, is eligible to register for an ADI organ donation card. The Organ Transplant Law passed in 2008 gives signers of an ADI card priority for themselves and close family members on the transplant waiting list should they need one in the future.

The National Transplant Center has shared the stories of generous families of recently fallen soldiers who decided to donate their fallen sons’ organs. In some cases, the soldiers had signed ADI cards in the past and their families followed through on their wishes.

In the case of some of the soldiers, the lives of as many as five or six people were saved thanks to their donated organs.

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