At Yad Vashem, Duterte says Philippines will fight ‘insane rulers’ like Hitler
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte calls Adolf Hitler “insane” during a visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, and says his country would fight against other such leaders.
“I cannot imagine a country that obeys an insane ruler, and I hope it never happens again,” he says according to the Kan public broadcaster. “We Filipinos will make sure it does not happen again as much as we can.”
Duterte’s visit to Israel’s national Holocaust memorial has been criticized, mainly due to his comments in 2016 when he likened himself to Adolf Hitler in pledging to kill millions in the drug trade.
Duterte later apologized for the Hitler comment and Holocaust reference, but not for the pledge to continue his ruthless war on drugs.
נשיא הפליפינים, רודריגו דוטרטה, בהיכל השמות ביד ושם: "לא הייתי יכול לתאר מדינה שמצייתת לשליט משוגע, אני מקווה שזה לא יקרה פעם נוספת. אנחנו הפיליפינים נדאג שזה לא יקרה שוב ככל יכולתנו" @AmichaiStein1
— כאן חדשות (@kann_news) September 3, 2018