Lawyer for Israel at ICJ: Halting IDF operation in Gaza would encourage repeat attacks by Hamas

Jeremy Sharon is The Times of Israel’s legal affairs and settlements reporter

Dr Christopher Staker speaks in defense of Israel during the second day of hearings at the World Court, January 12, 2024. (Youtube screenshot)
Dr Christopher Staker speaks in defense of Israel during the second day of hearings at the World Court, January 12, 2024. (Youtube screenshot)

Christopher Staker, speaking for Israel’s defense team in the International Court of Justice, argues that South Africa’s request for provisional measures against Israel to halt its military operation in Gaza are designed to protect Hamas from Israel’s response to the October 7 atrocities it perpetrated, and would encourage the terror group to repeat those outrages.

“Provisional measures would stop Israel defending its citizens, more citizens could be attacked, raped and tortured [by Hamas], and provisional measures would prevent Israel doing anything,” he says.

“If granted, it would mean that when a recognized terror group commits terrorist attacks on another state, a third party seeking provisional measures can stop a party from defending itself,” says Staker.

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