Police chief confirms some cases of arson, but doubts organized attack

Police chief Roni Alsheich says some, but not all, of the fires currently burning across Israel are thought to have been caused by arson, and casts doubt on it being an organized attack.

“There are some cases of arson, and lots of cases that are not arson,” he says.

“It’s likely that there is a nationalist motive in some of the arson cases,” he adds, saying that there have been some arrests.

“I don’t think it is organized [arson],” he says. “We’ll investigate as appropriate.”

The police chief also urges anyone still at home to evacuate, and to call the emergency services if they have trouble doing so.

Police Commissioner Roni Alscheich discuss the fires burning across the country on November 24, 2016 (screen capture: Channel 2)
Police Commissioner Roni Alscheich discusses the fires burning across the country on November 24, 2016 (screen capture: Channel 2)

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