Optiv, IntSights to collaborate on cyberthreats
Denver-based cybersecurity firm Optiv to use Israel’s IntSights’ software to protect customers against the deep, dark web
Shoshanna Solomon was The Times of Israel's Startups and Business reporter
Optiv, a Denver, US-based company that provides cybersecurity services, said it will start providing a new, proactive, cyberthreat intelligence service to customers, using cyberintelligence gathering technology developed by Israel’s IntSights.
The combination of Optiv’s cybersecurity consulting expertise and IntSights’ technology will help organizations monitor for threats “beyond the traditional network perimeter” and will provide them with “focused, prioritized and actionable intelligence,” Optiv said in a statement. This will enable companies to create informed and proactive security policies, and more accurately establish the cyberrisk and rapidly defuse threats, the statement said.
“The ever-changing threat landscape makes it increasingly difficult for organizations to stay ahead of the curve and better understand, prepare for and respond to cyberthreats,” said Christina Richmond, program director, security services, IDC, a tech market research and analyst firm based in Massachusetts . “Most companies lack the necessary resources and expertise to create and operate a mature security strategy and program that incorporates cyberthreat intelligence. To be successful, organizations should look for a trusted partner that has the know-how and ability to help develop these capabilities and provide the necessary support for them.”
Intsights is a Herzliya-based intelligence company run by former IDF intelligence officers which aims to tackle the more dangerous cyberthreats, in real time, in the deep and dark web by aggregating cyberintelligence from varied sources. This data is then analyzed using algorithms developed by the company, which also recommends security steps to be taken, according to the company’s website.
Optiv said that it can now provide its customers with its intelligence services 24/7, using IntSights’ fully automated threat data collection and analytics software to help monitor “the clear, deep and dark web.”
“IntSights uses intelligence sourcing and gathering methods to mine and aggregate data from a range of open and closed sources, resulting in the rapid curation of highly reliable intelligence which has the potential to be highly actionable,” said Guy Nizan, IntSight’s CEO.
Optiv announced in December that global investment firm KKR would buy a majority stake in the company.