PA television broadcasts girl calling to ‘trample the necks of the Zionists’

‘Our rifles are on our shoulders,’ declares niece of security prisoner, on official Palestinian Authority channel

Palestinian girl Rama al-Deek tells official Palestinian Authority television that Palestinians will one day 'trample the necks of the Zionists' in a Palestinian Media Watch report from December 20, 2021. (screenshot: PMW)
Palestinian girl Rama al-Deek tells official Palestinian Authority television that Palestinians will one day 'trample the necks of the Zionists' in a Palestinian Media Watch report from December 20, 2021. (screenshot: PMW)

Official Palestinian Authority television broadcast a clip in early December featuring a young girl calling “to trample the necks of the Zionists,” in footage revealed by Palestinian Media Watch on Monday.

During a December 9 broadcast of the program “Giants of Endurance” on Palestine TV, a young girl — identified as Rama al-Deek — read out a poem addressed to Palestinian security prisoners in Israeli jails.

“Do not think that the prison has humiliated us. Our rifles are on our shoulders, and our spoons are in our hands,” al-Deek told viewers at home.

By saying “spoons,” al-Deek is referring to a report that the six Palestinian terrorists who fled Gilboa prison in September dug their way out with spoons. Israeli authorities who investigated the incident later determined that was incorrect, but the myth stuck as a symbol of Palestinian resistance to Israel.

“We will trample the necks of the Zionists and make a path out of them,” al-Deek concluded.

Israel has repeatedly denounced what it deems to be incitement to terror and hate speech in Palestinian textbooks and media. American and European legislators have also held hearings on the matter.

The Palestinian Authority says that their media and curricula reflect their national narrative and do not constitute hate speech.

“We have to explain and justify what appears in our curriculum, which reflects our narrative and national identity, while no one is demanding to review the Israeli curriculum and media,” PA President Mahmoud Abbas told the United Nations General Assembly in September.

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