Gantz responds to PM’s trial date: He won’t be able to care for Israel

“This is a sad evening for the State of Israel and the citizens of Israel,” Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz tells a party campaign event in Rehovot in response to an announcement earlier today that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial will begin on March 17, just two weeks after the election.

“March 17: The mandate ends and trial begins,” Gantz says, claiming that the prime minister will be unable to fully focus on issues of state during the trial.

“Netanyahu will only deal with himself. He will not be able to care for the citizens of Israel.” Gantz says. “He must be free, focused and unburdened by any other interests.”

Netanyahu is going to trial, and we will continue from here. We will take care of security, health, education and other state affairs, after three election campaigns… We will win and take Israel on a new path. “

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