Promoted PodcastTEXTing

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Discussing how to maintain agency during troubling times, and how we look to the future when we can’t yet see the horizon.

The rise of antisemitism on both the right and the left has the Jewish people caught on the center line of a high-stakes tennis match. On this episode of TEXTing, Elana Stein Hain and Yonah Hain explore a Talmudic passage from Tractate Yoma 10a, to discuss how we maintain agency during troubling times, and how we look to the future when we can’t yet see the horizon.

About TEXTing: TEXTing with Elana Stein Hain delves deeply into Jewish texts to guide and inspire us as we grapple with the concerns and meaning of this moment. Join Elana as she addresses the issues of our day through the lens of classical Jewish texts, in conversation with Hartman scholars Christine Hayes, Yonah Hain, and Leora Batnitzky.
TEXTing. Where ancient wisdom meets contemporary relevance.

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