ToI podcast

Daily Briefing May 31: UAE & Israel sign free trade agreement; more Knesset chaos

Political correspondent Tal Schneider on the opposition’s united bloc; senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur on why teachers are striking for the wrong reason

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

Political correspondent Tal Schneider and senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur join host Amanda Borschel-Dan.

Yesterday the coalition shelved a bill to renew the extension of Israeli criminal and some civil law to Israelis living in the West Bank, just hours before it was set to come up for its first vote. We discuss what the lack of support for the bill may mean.

We received word this morning that the United Arab Emirates and Israel signed a Free Trade Agreement. What does this new agreement signify?

Israeli teachers called a mini-strike yesterday afternoon and tens of thousands of them protested in Tel Aviv. What was the impetus for the strike right now?

Finally, Schneider recently visited the Hebrew University’s Givat Ram campus where the much-misunderstood Academy of the Hebrew Language is housed. Did she happen to learn the Hebrew word for podcast?

Discussed articles include:

Lacking votes, coalition pulls bid to extend application of Israeli law to settlers

Ideology aside: Right-wing opposition leaders vow to defeat all coalition bills

Israel, UAE ink ‘groundbreaking’ free trade deal, in 1st with Arab state

20,000 teachers protest in Tel Aviv for higher wages: ‘End the disrespect’

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