1948 Einstein letter of warning to Israeli president being sold

A letter from Albert Einstein to the president of the fledgling State of Israel warning that the Jewish people may not be supported by the international community is being put up for sale.

A May 19, 1948 letter from Albert Einstein to Chaim Weizmann. (courtesy)

In the German-language letter, dated May 19, 1948, just days after Israel declared independence, the physicist tells Haim Weizmann that “one still cannot say that the powerful men of this earth mean well with us. The game the English play with us is miserable, and the American attitude appears ambivalent. However, I am confident that our people will overcome this last scare and that you will live to experience the satisfaction of having created a happy Jewish community,” according to a translation from the Pennsylvania-based Raab Collection.

Raab is offering the letter for $90,000.

In January, the letter sold at auction for $18,300, well below the $30,000 to $40,000 estimate.

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