Iran has enough uranium to enrich for five nukes, experts say
IAEA report finds Tehran is accelerating its enrichment pace
Ilan Ben Zion is an AFP reporter and a former news editor at The Times of Israel.
Iran possesses enough uranium to produce five atomic bombs-worth of weapons-grade enriched material, according to a report published on Friday by an American think-tank.
Analysis of the International Atomic Energy Agency report on Iran’s nuclear program by the Institute for Science and International Security found that Tehran has 6,197 kg of light enriched (3.5 percent) uranium. That amount could yield five nuclear weapons if enriched to 95% purity.
The report noted that Iran’s average monthly enrichment of uranium has accelerated drastically since its last investigation in February, and that Iran is continuing to enrich its nuclear stock to 20% purity. The IAEA estimated that Iran has produced a total of 145.6 kg of 20% enriched uranium.
The IAEA experts also found particles enriched up to 27% at the Fordo nuclear facility. That is higher than the 20% declared by Iran and closer to the weapons-grade material used in nuclear missiles.
The findings showed Iran is pressing ahead with its uranium enrichment despite UN resolutions calling on it to suspend the activity.
The IAEA’s report came a day after Iran and world powers concluded a second round of negotiations in Baghdad that failed to yield a diplomatic resolution to the Iranian nuclear issue.