Trump: Close to reaching conclusion that Netanyahu not interested in peace

During a meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly last month, US President Donald Trump told his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron that he is close to reaching the conclusion that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not interested in reaching a peace agreement with the Palestinians, Channel 10 reports.

During the meeting, Macron told Trump, “my impression is that Netanyahu does not really want to advance in the peace process because he likes the status quo.”

“You know, I’m very close to reaching the same conclusion,” Channel 10 quotes Trump to have responded, basing the report off four diplomatic officials with knowledge of the meeting.

“So why were you tough only with the Palestinians?” Macron is said to have responded in turn.

“I was tough with the Palestinians because they would not talk to us and it’s unacceptable,” Trump is said to have responded

“I gave (Netanyahu) a lot. I moved the embassy to Jerusalem and every year we give them $5 billion.” (The US actually gives Israel $3.8 billion annually)

“You know, I can be tough with Bibi (about my peace plan) as I was with the Palestinians.”

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