No he can't

Obama pokes fun at Sheldon Adelson

President says Romney’s chief backer ‘would’ve been better off offering me $100 million to drop out of the race’

US President Barack Obama smiles during a campaign stop in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2012 (Obama image vis Shutterstock)
US President Barack Obama smiles during a campaign stop in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 2012 (Obama image vis Shutterstock)

President Barack Obama took a playful dig at Jewish casino magnate and Republican contributor extraordinaire Sheldon Adelson Saturday, saying the money Adelson donated to his rival, Mitt Romney, was not well spent. “You’ve really gotta dislike me” to put out the kind of money Adelson did, he said.

“Sheldon would’ve been better off offering me the $100 million to drop out of the race,” said Obama. “I wouldn’t have taken it, but I’d have thought about it.”

That kind of money, the president continued, is “Oprah money.”

“You can buy an island and call it ‘Nobama’ with that kind of money,” he quipped.

Adelson is also a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who during the election campaign in the US was accused of siding with Romney against Obama.

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