Parking, lotsParking, lots

Cars get to park for free, for a day

Labor federation declares one-day suspension in issuance of parking tickets, from Wednesday 1 p.m. until end of day

Tel Aviv parking (photo credit: Moshe Shai/Flash90)
Tel Aviv parking (photo credit: Moshe Shai/Flash90)

As part of its negotiating tactics over a pay dispute, the country’s main labor union ordered parking inspectors to stop issuing parking tickets on Wednesday, from 1 p.m. until the end of the parking pay period (usually 6-8 p.m. depending on the location).

The limited strike will last only one day, and affect Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa, as well as local authorities and regional councils around the country.

The Histadrut labor federation said it initiated the strike over stalled negotiations in a dispute regarding the implementation of a wage increase, agreed upon last year, for certain local municipality workers.

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