Daily Briefing March 29: Biden and Netanyahu at odds, deepening US-Israel discord
US correspondent Jacob Magid discusses the US president vs the PM on judicial reform as religion and Diaspora affairs reporter Canaan Lidor looks at protests and a Karaite Passover
Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.
US correspondent Jacob Magid and religion and Diaspora affairs reporter Canaan Lidor join host Jessica Steinberg for today’s podcast.
Magid offers a deep dive into the current crisis in Israel-US relations, as US President Joe Biden delivered a strikingly critical statement against the coalition’s judicial overhaul on Tuesday, while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded that Israel won’t bow to overseas pressure.
Lidor speaks about the different kinds of protests that took place late last week in ultra-Orthodox Bnei Brak and the working-class town of Or Akiva, where some lesser-known facets of the internal strife were reflected.
Lidor also describes the Karaite community of Israelis seeking signs of spring in order to celebrate the upcoming holiday of Passover, since they do not follow the Israeli rabbinate and its calendar and other rituals.
Discussed articles include:
For months, PM ignored mounting US concerns; Biden decided to drive the point home
Biden: Israel ‘cannot continue down this road’; no Netanyahu invite in ‘near term’
Breaking silence, GOP lawmakers lament overhaul’s security ramifications for Israel
US ‘deeply concerned’ after PM fires Gallant, urges compromise on judicial revamp
In Or Akiva, social strife driving overhaul conflict rises to the surface
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