Egyptian tanks said to mass on Gaza-Sinai border

‘First time in years’ heavy armor has been deployed in the area, report says

Army trucks carry Egyptian military tanks in Egypt's northern Sinai Peninsula, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012.  (photo credit: AP)
Army trucks carry Egyptian military tanks in Egypt's northern Sinai Peninsula, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012. (photo credit: AP)

At least 30 Egyptian tanks were massed along the Gaza-Sinai border on Monday afternoon, a Turkish news agency reported.

According to the report in Anatolia, cited by Ynet, it is the “first time in years” that the Egyptian army has deployed tanks in the region. Under the Israel-Egypt peace treaty, Egypt is obligated to coordinate movement of heavy military vehicles and weapons in the Sinai with Israel.

Egypt is in a state of high-alert due to massive, countrywide protests against the rule of President Mohammed Morsi, which have seen millions take to the streets. Since the latest round of protests began on Sunday, at least 16 people have died and hundreds have been wounded.

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