Hostage families protesting outside Likud HQ with call to bring loved ones home alive
Dozens of hostage family members and their supporters are protesting outside the Likud party headquarters in Tel Aviv, calling for the government to reach a deal to bring their loved ones home alive.
The demonstrators hold a large banner reading: “The cabinet of death is killing the hostages. The people demand they return alive.”
They also hold up large posters of the faces of the six hostages who were executed by Hamas last week and blame government delays in reaching a deal for their deaths.
כעת מול מצודת זאב – משפחות חטופים ומפגינות ממחאת הנשים קוראים לעסקה: ״קבינט המוות הורג את החטופים. הציבור דורש חיים״
— אורי סלע Uri Sela (@uri_sela) September 4, 2024