Netanyahu says ‘absolutely incontestable’ information US behind UN vote

In remarks in Hebrew, Netanyahu says Kerry’s speech “a big disappointment.”

The prime minister says Kerry drew a “false moral equivalence” between construction in Jerusalem and Palestinian terrorism.

Netanyahu says Kerry only “paying lip service” in his condemnation of terrorism, and notes the UN resolution — while condemning “incitement” — does not attribute that incitement to the Palestinians.

He reiterates that the focus on settlements in Kerry’s address was “obsessive.”

The prime minister says he was “surprised” that Kerry dedicated one of his final addresses to the conflict, as the “Middle East is in flames.”

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, the only place in the Middle East where Christians can celebrate Christmas, says Netanyahu.

In a follow-up statement in English, Netanyahu says he looks forward to working with the Trump administration to “repeal” the UN resolution.

“I wish I could be comforted” by Kerry’s promise not to seek further UN action, but the US said the same thing about the previous resolution, says the prime minister.

There is “absolutely incontestable evidence that the United States organized” and advanced the UN resolution, says Netanyahu, adding that the transcript leaked to Egyptian media is the “tip of the iceberg.”

“Some of it is sensitive; it’s all true,” he says of the information.

Netanyahu says other countries can advance another UN resolution, while the US directs from behind the scenes. For example, Sweden, “not a known friend of Israel” could do so, says Netanyahu.

“Israelis do not need to be lectured about the importance of peace by world leaders,” he says. “No one wants peace more than the people of Israel.”

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