Missing Jewish teen found in central London
Local neighborhood watch spots Asher Sekenofsky, 15, who went missing on Friday evening

Search notification for missing London teenager Asher Sekenofsky, July 2014. (screencapture: Twitter/shomrimlondon)
Volunteer searchers said Monday they found a Jewish teenager who had been missing since Friday.
Asher Sekenofsky, 15, whose disappearance police had labeled a “high risk” incident, was spotted at around midday Monday in central London by a member of Shomrim, a Jewish civilian patrol and neighborhood watch group that had been working together with local authorities.
Sekenofsky had not been seen since leaving his home in the Edgware district of north London at around 7:30 p.m. on Friday night.
Hundreds of volunteers had spent the weekend searching for the teenager.
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