Spielberg's 'Obama'Spielberg's 'Obama'

Obama’s next term? In Hollywood

In spoof video, the US president plays Daniel Day-Lewis… playing Obama

President Obama plays Daniel Day-Lewis playing President Obama in Steven Spielberg's 'Obama.' (photo credit: YouTube screenshot)
President Obama plays Daniel Day-Lewis playing President Obama in Steven Spielberg's 'Obama.' (photo credit: YouTube screenshot)

Steven Spielberg is working on a new movie. Naturally, he’s following up his successful “Lincoln” with “Obama.”

“As I was thinking about what to do next, in the middle of the night I woke up and it hit me — Obama. I mean the guy’s already a lame duck, so why wait?” the director remarked.

“I needed someone who could dive in and really become Barack Obama,” Spielberg said. So, of course, Daniel Day-Lewis, who won an Oscar for his portrayal of the 16th president, plays the current commander in chief. “He becomes his characters,” the director praised the actor.

If this sounds like a joke, it’s because it actually is. Saturday evening, The White House YouTube channel posted a video made for the White House Correspondents Dinner featuring not only Spielberg, but also amateur thespian President Barack Obama.

Spielberg plays himself in the spoof. And whom does Obama play? You guessed it — Daniel Day-Lewis … playing Obama. Demonstrating some decent acting chops, the president, as Day-Lewis, poked fun at himself. “The cosmetics were challenging. I mean, you wouldn’t believe how long it takes to put these ears on in the morning. I don’t know how he walks around with these things.”

If this sounds far fetched, it’s nothing compared to Tracy Morgan showing up saying he plays Joe Biden.

Obama also took a playful dig at Jewish casino magnate and Republican contributor extraordinaire Sheldon Adelson Saturday, saying the money Adelson donated to his rival, Mitt Romney, was not well spent. “You’ve really gotta dislike me” to put out the kind of money Adelson did, he said.

“Sheldon would’ve been better off offering me the $100 million to drop out of the race,” said Obama. “I wouldn’t have taken it, but I’d have thought about it.”

That kind of money, the president continued, is “Oprah money.”

“You can buy an island and call it ‘Nobama’ with that kind of money,” he quipped.

Adelson is also a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who during the election campaign in the US was accused of siding with Romney against Obama.

Obama also joked about how reelection would allow him to unleash a radical agenda. But then he showed a picture of himself golfing on a mock magazine cover of “Senior Leisure.”

‘I’m not the strapping young Muslim Socialist that I used to be’

“I’m not the strapping young Muslim Socialist that I used to be,” the president remarked, and then recounted his recent 2-for-22 basketball shooting performance at the White House Easter Egg hunt.

But Obama’s most dramatic shift for the next four years appeared to be aesthetic. He presented a montage of shots featuring him with bangs similar to those sometimes sported by his wife.

“So we borrowed one of Michelle’s tricks,” Obama said. “I thought this looked pretty good, but no bounce.”

Obama closed by noting the nation’s recent tragedies in Massachusetts and Texas, praising Americans of all stripes from first responders to local journalists for serving the public good.

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