Clip shows jihad activists at Al-Quds U. simulating attacks on soldiers
Footage comes from November 5 rally on campus that prompted Brandeis to suspend ties to Palestinian university

A watchdog group on Monday published a video clip of Islamic Jihad demonstrations on the campus of the Palestinian Al-Quds University, showing black-clad activists simulating attacks on Israeli soldiers and killings of “traitors” for collaborating with Israel.
The footage came from demonstrations held on May 10 and November 5, according to MEMRI (the Middle East Media REsearch Institute).
Brandeis University last week suspended a long-time partnership with Al-Quds in the wake of the November 5 rally.
When news of the rally broke, Brandeis University President Frederick Lawrence called on Al-Quds University President Sari Nusseibeh to issue an Arabic and English condemnation of the demonstration.

Unsatisfied with the statement subsequently issued by Nusseibeh in English and Arabic, the Waltham, Massachusetts, university suspended its partnership with Al-Quds, which had been in place since 1998.
Lawrence called Nusseibeh’s statement “unacceptable and inflammatory.”
On Friday, Nusseibeh charged that Lawrence had “gone overboard” in his handling of the affair. Later Friday Lawrence said he was “reaching out” to Nusseibeh and was “dedicated to keeping the lines of communication open between our institutions.”
“As I have indicated to him directly,” Lawrence said in his Friday statement, “this decision by Brandeis University [to halt the universities’ partnership] was taken deliberatively and with broad input. The partnership was suspended – not terminated – pending the receipt of additional information including input from our faculty members.”