A fishy discovery

Dead shark washes ashore in northern Israel

Nature and Parks Authority says animal, of endangered Sandbar species, is not a danger to humans, but cautions people against approaching them

A dead shark on a beach in Nahariya. (Manor Guri/Nature and Parks Authority)
A dead shark on a beach in Nahariya. (Manor Guri/Nature and Parks Authority)

A dead shark was found washed up on a shore near the northern town of Nahariya Saturday.

Nature and Parks Authority employees retrieved the 1.6 meter (5.2 foot) carcass and transferred it for an autopsy to clarify the circumstances of its death.

The shark belonged to the Sandbar species, one that is not believed to be a danger to humans, with no reported attacks around the world. While commonly found in the Mediterranean Sea, the Sandbar shark is considered an endangered species.

The Nature and Parks Authority warned members of the public who come across such sharks not to approach them.

כריש מת נסחף לחוף ים בנהריה

פגר של כריש "הפתיע" את הרוחצים בחוף ים בנהריה. פקחים של רשות הטבע והגנים הגיעו על מנת לפנות אותו אך הוא נפל מהרכב שלהם. נסיבות מותו נבדקות | فرات نصار – פוראת נסאר – Furat Nassarhttp://bit.ly/2PhwR2a

Posted by ‎החדשות – N12‎ on Saturday, August 18, 2018

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