Iranian marching drill depicts collapse of Star of David-adorned White House

In footage aired on local TV, Ayatollah Khamenei watches IRGC troops chant ‘Death to America! Death to Israel!’

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps recently held a military foot drill depicting the White House with a Star of David protruding from its roof, with soldiers shouting slogans against the United States and Israel.

The country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was seen viewing the drill, footage of which was aired by Iran’s Channel 5 on October 16, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) watchdog.

“America, America, death to your deception. The blood of our youth is dripping from your fingers,” sang the soldiers, according to a MEMRI translation published on Wednesday.

An announcer can then be heard saying: “We will eliminate the regime of injustice, and we will fight it! Therefore, ‘Death to America’ is the cry of my life.”

To which the soldiers answer: “Death to America! Death to Israel!”

The troops aligned themselves during the foot drill to form an image of the White House with the Jewish symbol on top, indicating it was being controlled by Jews or Israelis.

The White House was labeled “House of Injustice,” and the pillars on its front were labeled “Corruption,” “Racism,” “Terrorism,” “Axis of Evil,” “Hollywood,” “Dollar,” “ISIS,” “Genocide,” “War” and “Violence,” according to MEMRI.

The display then showed the building split into two, followed by its collapse.

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