Family SimchaFamily Simcha

Kabbalah blessing for Kunis-Kutcher baby

Kutcher’s ex-wife Demi Moore coos over little Wyatt at ceremony

Renee Ghert-Zand is the health reporter and a feature writer for The Times of Israel.

A photo of Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher, released by her father Ashton Kutcher. (YouTube screenshot)
A photo of Wyatt Isabelle Kutcher, released by her father Ashton Kutcher. (YouTube screenshot)

We were kind of hoping that engaged couple Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher would name their daughter, born September 30, Kabbalah. Instead, they gave her the moniker Wyatt Isabelle, which is thankfully not as high on the weird celebrity baby name meter as say, Blue Ivy, Pilot Inspektor or Apple.

The baby was nonetheless blessed at a Kabbalah service in Los Angeles over the first weekend in October, Hollywood gossip sites reported. No word as to whether little Wyatt was given a Hebrew name at the ceremony.

The big surprise for many was that Kutcher’s ex-wife Demi Moore showed up for the simcha with two of her grown daughters by actor Bruce Willis, to whom Kutcher was a stepfather during his eight years of marriage to Moore.

“Apparently Demi and her daughters could NOT get over how cute the baby was!” wrote Perez Hilton.

Perez quoted a source as saying, “Demi and her daughters congratulated the couple while having a quick hold and coo over the baby. It was great to see her doing so well and at ease with Ashton’s new life as a father and fiancé.”

Ashton Kutcher, right, and Demi Moore at a Kabbalah confab in Tel Aviv in 2007 (photo credit: Flash90)
Ashton Kutcher, right, and Demi Moore at a Kabbalah confab in Tel Aviv in 2007 (photo credit: Flash90)

Just to prove that there are no hard feelings, Moore presented the new mommy and daddy with two gifts for their little one: a personalized cashmere baby blanket and an engraved picture frame.

Sounds like one big happy mishpocha…sort of.

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