Departures area filled with passengers who arrived early for flights due to protests

Carrie Keller-Lynn is a former political and legal correspondent for The Times of Israel

Father of twins Edan Razinovsky at Ben Gurion Airport on July 11, 2023. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel)
Father of twins Edan Razinovsky at Ben Gurion Airport on July 11, 2023. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel)

The departures area at Ben Gurion Airport is lined with passengers who arrived hours before check-in opens for their flights, out of fear of being blocked by the ongoing protest.

Among them is single father Edan Razinovsky, 37, who left Tel Aviv nearly 12 hours ahead of his midnight flight.

“With two five-year-old twins and four suitcases, I can’t take a train,” Razinovsky says, instead opting to take a cab at 12:30 p.m.

He adds that it’s hard for them to spend so many hours in the terminal, but that camaraderie has developed among passengers in similar positions.

“This nice grandma read them a book earlier, but then she left for Switzerland,” he says.

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