Israeli forces demolish illegal West Bank outpost

Jeremy Sharon is The Times of Israel’s legal affairs and settlements reporter

Border Police and Civil Administration personnel arrive at the illegal  West Bank outpost of Givat Or Meir to evacuate and demolish the dwelling on December 25, 2023 (Courtesy)
Border Police and Civil Administration personnel arrive at the illegal West Bank outpost of Givat Or Meir to evacuate and demolish the dwelling on December 25, 2023 (Courtesy)

Border Police and Civil Administration personnel evacuate and demolish an illegal outpost in the close to the Ofra settlement in the West Bank.

The Civil Administration says the outpost had been built on private Palestinian land.

The outpost, dubbed Givat Or Meir, was inhabited by several settler youth activists who were raising goats on the land.

According to settler activists, a rudimentary building is knocked down as well as a goat pen.

The activists say that the Border Police forces confiscated cellphones belonging to the inhabitants to stop them recording the demolition, and also confiscated a generator and water troughs for the goats.

Givat Or Meir was established a year ago and has been demolished several times since.

Herding outposts such as Givat Or Meir are often established by radical settler activists to assert control over broader swaths of land than a simple dwelling can affect.

Reports by settlements watchdog groups have found that residents of such outposts often allegedly carry out violent attacks against local Palestinian residents of the area.

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