Stumping for Biden, Mayim Bialik says Democrats can be pro-Israel too

Headlining a Zoom event for Jewish Joe Biden supporters, actress Mayim Bialik adamantly rejects the notion that the Republican party is the only pro-Israel party.

She says being told that pro-Israel Jews cannot vote Democrat “makes me as a liberal Zionist extremely uncomfortable.” she says. “It’s a fallacy set up by people who are not Democrats to try and make us choose. Israel is my place because I’m a Democrat.”

Explaining her identity as a liberal Zionist, Bialik says it allows her to not have to choose whether or not “to support Palestinian rights.”

She admits to having had “difficult conversations” about whether to visit relatives who live “deep in the shtachim,” using the Hebrew word for “territories” to describe the West Bank.

During the Zoom session, the actress also laments the “tremendous amount of fear” she says many in her camp face when deciding whether to speak out about the Jewish state.

— Jacob Magid

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