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Refaeli stands up for gays… at a urinal

Israeli supermodel poses in a men’s room to support LGBT community

Lazar Berman is The Times of Israel's diplomatic reporter

Bar Refaeli stands at a urinal in a photo she posted to support gay and transgender rights (photo credit: Facebook)
Bar Refaeli stands at a urinal in a photo she posted to support gay and transgender rights. (photo credit: Facebook)

Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli posted a photo of herself on social media standing in front of a urinal, with the caption, “Gay, lesbians, bisexual, transgender ALL EQUAL TLV #gayweek.”

Not surprisingly, the model’s photograph made waves well beyond Israel, with the British tabloid The Sun running the picture with the headline “Urine the wrong loos, Bar!”

The publication of the picture on Friday coincided with the annual Tel Aviv Gay Pride parade, which attracted more than 100,000 revelers this year. The record-breaking procession through Tel Aviv wound up at Gordon Beach at a party hosted by Refaeli.

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