Gantz criticizes ‘baseless declarations’ after Barkat slams IDF tactics as too risky
War cabinet minister Benny Gantz, the head of the centrist National Unity party that entered an emergency government after the ongoing war broke out, calls on fellow government members to tone down their rhetoric and avoid “baseless declarations.”
The statement is perceived as a rebuke of Likud’s Economy Minister Nir Barkat over comments he made earlier today, decrying the growing IDF death toll in Gaza.
Barkat, seen as a potential future rival to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a Likud leader, said: “It is unacceptable that we would endanger our soldiers, and send them exposed into buildings that have not been bombed.
“Surrendering to any external pressure, even if it is from our best friends, is a grave mistake for which we are paying a heavy price,” Barkat said, according to Channel 12 news.
In a tweet, Gantz praises IDF soldiers and says they’re “getting all the necessary tools,” and that ground forces are getting “widespread and accurate aerial cover with unprecedented power.
“Especially at this time, it is expected from government ministers and all public leaders to act with responsibility in their remarks and not issue baseless declarations that harm the resilience of the entire Israel society, and the families of combat fighters in particular,” Gantz says.