Celebrants at right-wing wedding cheer murder of Dawabshas

Shocking footage released on Channel 10 tonight shows right-wing extremists who are friends with the suspected perpetrators of the Dawabsha family murder celebrating the killing at a wedding last week.

The video shows revelers at the Jerusalem celebration waving knives, rifles, pistols and a Molotov cocktail, and stabbing a photo of the Dawabsha family. An hour earlier, the detainees’ lawyers held a press conference at the same wedding hall claiming the suspects were tortured by the Shin Bet.

The crowd in the video chants the lyrics of a song which include a verse from Judges 16:28, quoting Samson blinded in Gaza saying “let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes” — but change the word Philistines to Palestine.

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