Jerusalem Purim parade set to get underway with changes after outcry from hostages’ families

Gavriel Fiske is a reporter at The Times of Israel

Golden cranes representing the hostages on Gaza, at the Jerusalem 'Unity in Purim' parade, on March 25, 2024. (Gavriel Fiske/Times of Israel)
Golden cranes representing the hostages on Gaza, at the Jerusalem 'Unity in Purim' parade, on March 25, 2024. (Gavriel Fiske/Times of Israel)

The “United in Purim” parade in Jerusalem is set to get underway, with dozens of floats and performance troupes getting ready to march through the closed streets of central Jerusalem.

The “Adloyeda” event is dedicated to the hostages held by terrorists in Gaza after a public outcry.

The parade is now to be led by a group of hostage families, and 134 yellow cranes, one for each hostage still in Gaza, will be at the vanguard.

Some elements of the parade were toned down or eliminated in response to the outcry.

A small protest against the parade is being held near the Mamilla mall, with demonstrators holding signs reading: “It’s still October 7.”

“The ‘Heroes’ Children’ themed parade will feature puppets designed by Jerusalem cultural institutions, local children, and children evacuated to the capital – all promoting national unity and resilience,” the Hostages’ Families Forum says in a press release.

Thousands are expected to attend the event, which is to run from 10:45 a.m. until 2 p.m.

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