Number of Israelis with coronavirus rises to 28

The Health Ministry has now announced two more coronavirus cases, bringing the total to 28.

Case #27, a man from the north of the country, flew to Vienna on February 29, and returned on March 5, landing in Israel at 5:15 p.m.

He then took the 6:05 p.m. train straight to Acre.

Case #28 involves a 60-year-old Jerusalem man who came in contact with a French tourist who tested positive after leaving.

The man spent most of his time at the Optika Yona Koren glasses store on Malchei Israel Street in Jerusalem on March 3 and 4.

On March 5, he visited the BIGA restaurant in an Ariel shopping center from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

He went into quarantine on March 6.

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