Clinton to make Iran deal address on September 9
Presidential hopeful has endorsed agreement; speech coincides with joint Cruz-Trump rally against accord

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is to make a major address on the Iran nuclear deal on September 9, according to Politico.
Clinton has endorsed the nuclear deal, saying on July 14, as the agreement was announced, that it was “the most effective path of all the alternatives available to the US and our partners to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.”
The presidential hopeful’s speech will coincide with a joint rally on Capitol Hill by GOP presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, sponsored by Tea Party Patriots, Center for Security Policy, and the Zionist Organization of America.
Both events will come a day after Congress returns from recess and resumes its debate on the accord, ahead of its mid-September vote.
Oregon’s Democratic senator Jeff Merkley on Sunday became the 31st senator to announce support for the Iran nuclear deal, as momentum builds behind the agreement the Obama administration and other world powers negotiated with Tehran.
Merkley’s backing puts supporters within reach of the 34 votes required to uphold a presidential veto of a congressional resolution disapproving the agreement, which curbs Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for billions of dollars in sanctions relief.
Republicans are unanimously against the deal. But with an overwhelming number of Senate Democrats in favor, some have now begun aiming to amass 41 yes votes, which would allow them to kill the disapproval resolution outright in the Senate and protect Obama from having to use his veto pen.