ToI podcast

Daily Briefing Dec. 29: Day 84 – Reservists demand aid as gov’t delays their retirement

Political reporter Sam Sokol discusses reservists as Knesset temporarily extends service age; environmental reporter Sue Surkes looks at COP28 + Israel’s environmental progress

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 20-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world.

Today is day 84 of the war. Political correspondent Sam Sokol and environmental reporter Sue Surkes join host Jessica Steinberg for today’s podcast.

Sokol looks at issues regarding reservists discussed in the Knesset over the last week, including aid to small businesses owned by reservists who have served for the last two months, and a decision to temporarily extend reservists’ retirement age for the duration of the war.

Surkes comments on decisions made at COP28, 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Dubai at the start of December.

She also looks at the lack of environmental progress made by the current government in 2023, from solar energy to tax-free plastic goods.

For the latest updates, please look at The Times of Israel’s ongoing live blog.

Discussed articles include:

Live blog December 29, 2023

At Knesset, reservist decries lack of aid as businesses fail while they fight in Gaza

Knesset panel puts off vote on extending age for end of IDF reserve service

Knesset passes emergency bill delaying retirement for reservists

Gallant, Smotrich present NIS 9 billion wartime aid plan for IDF reservists

Little room for optimism after COP28 climate confab, environmental leaders say

THOSE WE HAVE LOST: Civilians and soldiers killed in Hamas’s onslaught on Israel

THOSE WE ARE MISSING: The hostages and victims whose fate is still unknown

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