Isn't it wonderfulIsn't it wonderful

Early reviews praise Gal Gadot’s ‘Wonder Woman’

Critics are calling the long-awaited female superhero tale ‘funny,’ ‘charming’ and ’empowering’

Jessica Steinberg, The Times of Israel's culture and lifestyles editor, covers the Sabra scene from south to north and back to the center

DC Comics’ “Wonder Woman,” starring Israeli-born Gal Gadot, received high marks from critics late last week, following preview screenings before the June 2 opening in the US.

The film opens on Thursday, June 1, in Israeli theaters.

It’s taken years for the live-action adaptation of the Amazonian Diana Prince to reach the big screen, and reviewers couldn’t be more pleased.

Indiewire’s Kate Erbland said on Twitter that the film has “humor and heart,” and that Gadot and costar Chris Pine are “charming as hell.”

Another critic, Peter Sciretta of /Film, tweeted that it was “funnier, more action packed than you’re probably expecting. Gal Gadot is perfect as WW!”

Others weighed in on Twitter with a litany of praise, calling it “absolutely empowering,” commending Gadot’s magnetic chemistry with costar Pine and tearing up watching Wonder Woman fight.

One critic said Gadot’s Wonder Woman reminded him of Christopher Reeve’s Superman; “true north superhero w/ no angst or cynicism, which is needed right now.”

The film is expected to glean $65 million in ticket sales at its US opening weekend, according to, similar to opening figures for superhero movies like “Thor” and “Captain America.”

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